About Us

WETLAB is the first specialized in manual surgery skills training center held at the largest biological sites in St. Petersburg, and is one of the pioneers in Russia. The experience of similar centers that proved their high efficiency was taken into account in the center’s establishment.

The trainings are conducted on animals, the anatomy of which is as close to human as possible, and the trainees gain experience working on live tissues. This method can significantly reduce risks in subsequent work with people. The humaneness of the trainings is ensured by providing full anesthetic procedures.

The training is delivered by Russian specialists renowned in their respective fields – the Professors of leading St Petersburg medical universities.

The Center sets new standards in medical personnel training, lays the foundation for the development of continuous medical education concept in accordance with the most recent and relevant worldwide experience.

Training features:

The training is held in a real operating room, as close to the real conditions as possible. Skills practice is performed on a live pig with full anesthetic procedures and the support of our experienced instructors.

The participants are provided with individual disposable surgical clothing. All the operations are being videotaped, and the participants receive video materials for additional analysis.

Completion of each class is followed by a wrap-up and a coffee-break. In the meantime, the operating rooms are being prepared for a new group by the auxiliary staff. The classes take place both in the morning and in the afternoon, as well as on weekends.

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The training is held in a real operating room
WETLAB is the first specialized in manual surgery skills training center held at the large biological animal in St. Petersburg.
Photo Gallery
Образовательный центр WETLAB | Participants in the course on basic surgical manipulations on the stomach and duodenum with the teacher, cms, Mochalov O.Yu.
Participants in the course on basic surgical manipulations on the stomach and duodenum with the teacher, cms, Mochalov O.Yu.
Образовательный центр WETLAB | During the course of basic surgical procedures on the anterior abdominal wall
During the course of basic surgical procedures on the anterior abdominal wall
Образовательный центр WETLAB |
Образовательный центр WETLAB |
Образовательный центр WETLAB |
Образовательный центр WETLAB |
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LLC "CIMME" does not provide educational services and does not issue documents on the formation of the state sample. The activity of LLC "CIMME" is the holding of one-off master classes, familiarization seminars and webinars and does not require a mandatory license.
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