
The technique of performing manipulations, with which a specialist in the surgical profile encounters in his daily work
Образовательный центр WETLAB | Foley catheter for women. Installation method.
Catheterization of the bladder using a Foley catheter is a common procedure and is used to create the possibility of urine outflow in patients.
Образовательный центр WETLAB | Catheter of Foley for men. Installation method.
Catheterization of the bladder using a Foley catheter is a common procedure and is used to create the possibility of urine outflow in patients.
Образовательный центр WETLAB | Hand Treatment of the Surgeon
Hand treatment of the surgeon is the most important way to prevent contact infection, an obligatory stage of preparation for each operation. It is executed by a certain a...
Образовательный центр WETLAB | Preparation of the operative field
The operating field is the area of the human body within which surgical intervention is performed. Preliminary preparation begins on the eve of the operation.
Образовательный центр WETLAB | The technique of setting a nasogastric tube
Manipulation performed for emptying and decompression of the stomach before surgical intervention, control of hemostasis after bleeding from the upper gastrointestinal tr...
Образовательный центр WETLAB | The technique of surgical drainage removal
Drainage helps the surgeon monitor the volume and appearance of the discharge from the cavity, but there comes a time when the drainage has performed its functions and ne...
Образовательный центр WETLAB | Installation of a two-lumen probe-obturator Sengstaken-Blackmore
The Blackmore probe is a three-lumen tube with two cylinders at the end. Indication for its use is bleeding from the varicose-dilated veins of the esophagus and stomach.
Образовательный центр WETLAB | Wound dressing with antiseptic. Technique of execution.
Bandaging of wounds after surgery is an important stage of treatment, carried out with a certain periodicity. Requires attention from both the patient and the attending p...
Образовательный центр WETLAB | The technique of minilaparotomy according to Hassen
An adequate alternative to the "dangerous" method of entering the abdominal cavity was the method of minilaparotomy invented by Hassen, which reduces the risk o...

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