Modern methods of treatment of varicose veins

Duration course:
    16 Academic hours
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To buy a ticket>
22990 rub.
To buy a ticket>
22990 rub.

Work experience:

  • Venous system (anatomy)
  • Modern methods of treatment of varicose veins
  • CEAP classification
  • Ultrasound-Anatomy
  • Basics of working with an ultrasound machine
  • Ultrasound of venous bed (practical training)
  • Miniflebectomy
  • Puncture under ultrasound control
  • Tumescent anesthesia
  • Laser obliteration of veins
  • Ehoskleroobliteratsiya
  • Familiarity with the fiber guide fiber
  • Working with laser and lightguide


WETLAB together with the center of ambulatory phlebology prepared a three-day practical course: "Modern methods of treatment of varicose veins ", aimed at improving the operational techniques of practicing phlebologists.

The intensive course program lasting 16 academic hours is designed in such a way that each specialist can master the most modern campaigns as quickly as possible and master the technique of treating varicose veins on biological tissues under the guidance of the doctor of medical sciences, professor of the Department of Hospital Surgery No. 2 of the First St. Petersburg State Medical University named after acad. I.P. Pavlov, Davydenko Vladimir Valentinovich.

The first lesson is devoted to analyzing the clinical and ultrasound of the anatomy of the venous system of the lower extremities, a detailed study of the classification of CEAP, as well as modern methods of treating varicose veins.
The practical part of the first lesson is devoted to the technique of working with ultrasound apparatus, the study of ultrasound of the anatomy of the venous bed.

The purpose of the second lesson is to get acquainted and work out on the biological tissue the technique of miniflebectomy, to master the technique of puncture of vessels under ultrasound control, and also to master the technique of tumescent anesthesia using modern equipment.

In the third lesson, the participants get acquainted with such techniques of treatment of varicose veins as laser obliteration of veins, echosclerobliteration.
The principle and technique of working with a laser, a lightguide, as well as a fiber-fiber puller are studied.

Most of the course time is devoted to practical work with biological material. This approach allows for a short time to master the correct technique of working with modern phlebological equipment and to improve and raise the professional skills of a specialist to a new level.

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Phone for communication: 8 (800) 200-21-10
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Duration course:
    16 Academic hours
Number of people in the group:
    22990 rub.
For whom:
  • Residents
  • Young specialists
  • Practitioners
Course program:
  • Brief theoretical part
  • Master-class
  • Practical skill development
  • Coffee-break
  • Summing-up
  • Presentation of certificates
  • After the course, each participant receives a certificate
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Образовательный центр WETLAB | Modern methods of treatment of varicose veins.
Modern methods of treatment of varicose veins.
Образовательный центр WETLAB | Modern methods of treatment of varicose veins.
Modern methods of treatment of varicose veins.
Образовательный центр WETLAB | Modern methods of treatment of varicose veins.
Modern methods of treatment of varicose veins.
Образовательный центр WETLAB | Modern methods of treatment of varicose veins.
Modern methods of treatment of varicose veins.
Образовательный центр WETLAB | Modern methods of treatment of varicose veins.
Modern methods of treatment of varicose veins.
Образовательный центр WETLAB | Modern methods of treatment of varicose veins.
Modern methods of treatment of varicose veins.
Образовательный центр WETLAB | Modern methods of treatment of varicose veins.
Modern methods of treatment of varicose veins.
Образовательный центр WETLAB | Modern methods of treatment of varicose veins.
Modern methods of treatment of varicose veins.
Образовательный центр WETLAB | Modern methods of treatment of varicose veins.
Modern methods of treatment of varicose veins.
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