WETLAB Dock - a new word in surgical skills training

Хирургический тренажер WETLAB DockSurgical simulator Dock* is created for mastering and working out of basic skills of the surgeon, and also perfection of surgical technics in house conditions.
The design of the simulator was developed by the team of the center of surgical education WETLAB and includes the best world experience in creating such simulators.

Dock* is a universal workstation equipped with a timer.
The simulator has the ability to install removable platforms, each of which is aimed at improving a certain type of surgical skills and micromotorics.

The simulator includes a base station and two exchangeable platforms: KnotPad* and BioPad*.

The first platform - KnotPad* includes everything necessary to develop the technique of surgical nodes at various depths, which allows you to master and bring to the required level a manual skill.

The BioPad* platform is designed to fix various biomaterials in order to subsequently develop surgical skills on tissues as close as possible to biomechanics to human tissues.

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Universal station Dock* assumes the possibility of installing an unlimited number of different platforms, which makes it possible to supplement and work out at home a wide range of surgical skills, according to your chosen specialty.

The simulator is produced by the WETLAB surgical education center in St. Petersburg. Each simulator is individually engraved with the name of the owner.

Support and development of additional platforms for our simulators is one of the directions of development of the center of surgical education WETLAB.
You can learn about the appearance of new platforms on our website or in the center group.

The use of home simulators in the training of surgeons is an internationally recognized format for the training of specialists in the surgical profile.

This approach is due to the fact that only a repeated repetition of manipulation leads to the development of a persistent motor stereotype, which is the basis of the manual skill of the surgeon.

It is important to remember that repeated repetition at the root of incorrect manipulation will lead only to fixing the wrong technique, while "retraining" is always more complicated and takes more of your time and energy.

To work out the right technique and master the most modern approach to performing surgical manipulations under the supervision of the leading specialists of medical schools in St. Petersburg, you can attend courses at the WETLAB surgical education center.

The cost of a surgical simulator Dock is 10,000 rubles.

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Attention! The price of the simulator is temporary and will be increased.

*A patent application for a Dock workstation with KnotPad and BioPad platforms has been submitted.

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Completion of the simulator:
  • Dock simulator
  • KnotPad Platform
  • BioPad Platform
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Образовательный центр WETLAB | WETLAB DOCK
Образовательный центр WETLAB | WETLAB DOCK
Образовательный центр WETLAB | WETLAB DOCK
Образовательный центр WETLAB | WETLAB DOCK
Образовательный центр WETLAB | WETLAB DOCK
Образовательный центр WETLAB | WETLAB DOCK
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