One day in WETLAB

November 4, 2016 in WETLAB passed the school day, during which the participants of the courses were able to appreciate the advantages of working on live tissue in conditions as close as possible to real.

The participants of the courses were both graduates, postgraduate students, and senior students of medical universities.
During 16 academic hours, 4 practical courses were held, dedicated to various fields of surgery.
On the course on the basics of plastic surgery under the guidance of plastic surgeon Zolotykh VG Participants examined and worked out the fundamentals of scrappy technique, got acquainted with the principles of performing cosmetic sutures.
During the course on basic manipulations on blood vessels, participants under the supervision of Dr. med. Mochalova O.Yu. Familiarized themselves with the technique of isolating the main vessels. Basics of operative access to the abdominal organs and surgical technique of interventions on the organs of the gastrointestinal tract were covered in the volume of courses on basic manipulations on the anterior abdominal wall and basic manipulations on the stomach and duodenum.
-On each of the questions we received detailed and exhaustive answers, we were able to work out surgical techniques - the participants of the courses summed up their impressions.
Thus, the educational courses on basic surgical procedures marked a new step in the training of young specialists, and their regular conduct will allow an increasing number of future surgeons to increase their level of practical training.

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