Cardiosurgery - module 3. Plastic surgery in cardiosurgery
- Not specified
- Not specified, but on average 4 to 16 people
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Work experience:
- Показания к пластике митрального клапана, виды пластики, анатомия трикуспидального клапана, виды пластики трикуспидального клапана
- Протезирование митрального клапана в супраанулярную позицию
- Пластика дефекта межпредсердной перегородки
- Квадриангулярная резекция митрального клапана с пластикой кольцом
- Шовная пластика трикуспидального клапана
- Хирургия аневризм восходящей аорты: операция Бентала, линейная резекция
The course is the second of two modules dedicated to the development of surgical techniques in cardiac surgery and consists of three sessions, each of which lasts 4 academic hours.
The first module is a course on the basics of coronary and aortic surgery.
On the second module, the participants of the course under the supervision of an experienced instructor will work on the basic tissue of cardiovascular surgery on biological tissue.
The course program lasting 16 academic hours is designed in such a way that each participant could master the techniques of the basic elements of surgical manipulations on biological materials in a short time under the supervision of an experienced instructor.
The course consists of three classes, at the end of which participants get skills of surgical manipulations on the heart muscle and blood vessels.
Each participant receives a certificate.
Attention! The price of the course is temporary and will be increased.
In order to protect copyrights, photo / video shooting is carried out only with the consent of the lecturer.
Phone for communication: 8 (800) 200-21-10
- Not specified
- Not specified, but on average 4 to 16 people
- Not specified
- Ординаторы
- Молодые специалисты
- Практикующие врачи
- Краткая теоретическая часть
- Мастер-класс
- Отработка практического навыка
- Кофе-брейк
- Подведение итогов
- Вручение сертификатов
- After the course, each participant receives a certificate
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